—— © Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary
Trines/ Trikonas
The rulers of the 1,5,9 houses are benefic ( with the 9 being ‘the most benefic’ and the 1 being the ‘least benefic’. This classification is also written as 1<5<9.)
The rulers of the 3,6,11 houses are malefic. (With the 11 being the ‘most malefic’ and the 3 rd being the ‘least malefic’. This classification is also written as 3 < 6 < 11).
The rulers of the 1, 4, 7, 10 houses are ‘Kendra” or “neutralizing” houses.( 4 and 10 are also known as ‘sukhasthanas’ or ‘houses of happiness’. This classification is also written as 4<7<10.)
The rulers of the 2,12,8 houses are termed ‘conditional’. (I.e they can be malefic or benefic according to which other house they rule and other factors. This classification is also written as 2<12<8.)
8 th house:
Is also called the most malefic of all the houses and rulers. 8 is represented as a ‘malefic’ and ‘conditional’ but the contradiction does not really arise because a ‘house’ can be ‘malefic’ in one area of life and a ‘benefic’ in another manner.
2 nd and 7 th house
Are known as ‘Marakas” or “Killer houses” These are used mostly in calculating the ‘losses’ incurred in the dasa period in which ‘the killing ‘ would take place.( The term ‘killing’ is not to be taken literally, but rather, ‘killing’ an aspect of life. Generally it is used for longevity etc)
Rajayoga karaka : Staus giving
If a planet owns both a quadrant and a trine he gets empowered to confer status. If such a planet is well-placed he confers status, promotion or power during his dasa or antardasa.
8 th house – Malefic:
The 8 th house is 12 th from the 9 th house. The 9 house = fortune/luck/dharma; The 12 house – expenditure/loss. Therefore the ‘loss/expenditure’ of ‘fortune/luck/dharma’ is the reason for the 8 th . House being considered “most malefic”. The Luck/fortune seen in the 9 house, is nothing but the “Dharma” of the person. The 5 and 9 houses reflect in some way, the ‘positive dharma’ of previous lives. So it stands to reason that the “most Dharmic house-the 9″ is also the “most fortunate”. This gives a clear indication that “Dharma” and “Karma’ are synonymous with each other, and one follows the other. In conclusion, if 9 is the most benefic, then the 8 is the most malefic.
7 th house malefic:
The 8 th house is the house of longevity/the life force. An expenditure of this ‘life-force’ is seen in the 7 th house -7 th being ‘12 th ‘ from the 8 th . This is the reason why the ‘7 house is also seen as a ‘killer house’.
2 nd house Killer
The ‘Will to live” and the’ efforts’ made in this direction are seen in the 3 rd . House. The 3 rd . House also signifies valour/courage (to live) . The ‘loss/expenditure-(12th house) of this ‘will to live” (3 rd . House) is seen in the 2 nd . House. “The 2 nd . House is 12 th . From the 3 rd house’ . This is the reason why the 2 nd house is known as a ‘killer house’. For example: a person with a terminal illness and a ‘strong 3 rd House (will to live) can overcome and survive, whereas a person without a strong will would succumb to the illness.
3 rd house malefic:
The 3 rd house is considered malefic since it is the ‘8 th house from the 8 th . House (8 th house relating to the life span/longevity of the person. It is also the house where the ‘efforts’ are seen.
The 12 th & 2 nd Conditional
The 12 th and 2 nd houses change their colours according to the conditions they are under. This is why, in certain circumstances, the 12 th can give a person ‘good fortune abroad’ and the 2 nd can give ‘wealth’. Practically speaking however, any house that gives ‘wealth’, also gives the opportunity to ‘fall from the spiritual path’.
Ascendant |
Functional Benefic |
Functional Malefic |
+ Neutral |
Neutral |
Ill-health |
Raja Yoga |
Aries |
Ju,Su |
Sa,Ve,Me, |
Mo |
Ve, Ma |
Taur |
Sa, Me |
Ju, Mo, *Ve |
Su |
Ma |
Ma, Mo, Ju,Ve |
Sa |
Gem |
Ve |
Su,Ma, Ju |
Mo,*Me, Sa:mixed |
Mo, |
Can |
Ma, Ju,
Ve,Me |
*Mo |
Sa, Su : cond |
Sa |
Ma |
Leo |
Ma,Ju, *Su |
Me,Ve, Sa |
*Su |
Sa, Mo:cond |
Me, Sa |
Vir |
Ve, *Me ? |
Ma,Ju,Mo |
*Me |
Su, Sa |
Ma, Ve |
Lib |
Sa,Me, Mo |
Ju,Su,Ma |
*Ve |
Ma, Ju,Su |
Mo+Me |
Sco |
Ju,Mo |
Me,Ve |
Su, *Ma, Sa: – ve |
Me, Ve |
Su+Mo |
Sag |
Ma,Su,Me |
Ve |
Mo, Sa |
Sa,Ve |
Su+Me |
Cap |
Ve,Me |
Mo,Ma,Ju |
*Sa |
Su |
Ve |
Aqu |
Ve, *Sa ? |
Mo,Ma,Ju |
*Sa, Me = |
Su, Me |
Ju,Mo,Ma |
Ve |
Pis |
Mo,Ma *Ju |
Sa,Ve,Su,Me |
Sa,Me |
Copyright © Dr.Satya Prakash Choudhary. Please acknowledge if you quote somewhere.